
Amelia’s horoscope: Your keyword for the new moon is strength. Lady Luna is in your 4th house of feelings, so you’re being called to flex your emotional muscles, even when it’s tough.

Dylan’s advice: The theme of this Libra new moon is balance—and adjusting for balance can be messy. It can make our muscles sore from effort. Consider the emotional foundation of your home and your family, and how that can trickle into your life in other ways, outside of the house. Take stock of what needs more stability in your home-zone and decide what it would take to adjust it–is it requesting more space and privacy from your very invested parent? Is it needing more family time at home to recharge from school? It can be an emotional workout to reach peace in situations that are out of whack in any sense, so use this new moon to reflect on how you can best act upon your needs.