My remedy is nature.
Like the melodic wind
that whistles a lullaby to
the sun and all its daring stars.

My motivators are the
giving trees that encourage
me to go out on a limb and
converse with the thunderstorm.

My counselor is the rhythmic rain
that reminds me that my worries
are nothing but tiny droplets
that’ll evaporate and leave an evergreen scent.

My neighbors are the harmonized planets
that are too intrinsic to scare me
but too immortal to not be mystified
by its unwavering presence.

My family is the alluring animals
that roam the earthy floor, glide
through the unpredictable air
and explore the endless water.

My remedy is nature.
Like the richness and
abundance of jasmine
flowers that make me

By Jasmine E., 19, Baton Rouge, LA