My Long Lost Love: An Ode to Summer

With your shiny sun-screeny skin and highlighted hair,
You captured my attention with your flair.

We cuddled on the couch, took a dip in the pool,
Your life was away from my dreadful school.

A hum of cicadas are your standard nights.
Unlike my ex, Springtime, and their dreadful bug bites.

Drips of ice cream spotted your hands,
Writing love stories of us in fairylands.

The clock’s ticking didn’t control you,
Instead you went on rebellious rendezvous’s.

Harry Styles music circulated your ears,
Without work of finals and all its fears.

A blissful morning, a blissful day,
Your life was my getaway.

You traveled to fun new places without stress,
And once I’ve experienced you, I want nothing less!

10 torturous months I waited to reunite,
Longing, and gaining even more excite.

And tomorrow, after the school’s last bell rings,
I will run out into your arms, creating the best of momentary endings…

By Kelly S., 15, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania