
scorpio1Amelia’s horoscope: Your keyword for the new moon is celebrate. Lady Luna is in your fifth house of amusement, so you’re being called to do something for pure pleasure, even if it doesn’t seem like there’s a good reason. You’re alive, and that’s reason enough to party.

Dylan’s advice: Your cosmic permission this eclipse comes from the sensitive waters of Pisces, putting all the transformative power in your play sector. This is not the weekend to decline invites, stay home alone, or back down from opportunities to spark new friendships or meet-cute opportunities. You’ll probably feel hard, and feel it all, this eclipse, thanks to Pisces’s influence over this super-potent lunar moment. That shouldn’t be too scary for emotive Scorpio, who’s kind of known for being an motocross maniac across rugged emotional terrain. There’s a lot to feel out there—zoom zoom zoom! Grab some SICK AIR as you navigate this eclipse’s playful peaks.