
sagittarius1Amelia’s horoscope: Your keyword for the new moon is sentient. Sentient means “capable of feeling.” Lady Luna is in your first house of identity, so you’re being called to reconnect with your emotional side and feel your way through life again. Saturn in your sign is tough, but it’s still safe to be a sentient being. Don’t detach.

Dylan’s advice: It’s time to start fresh. The last new moon’s theme was closure. You completed a cycle or got rid of something, perhaps in dramatic, Scorpio-fueled fashion. On this new moon, refresh your personal reserves by reconnecting with your emotions, which may have been burned out or ignored. Have a mini personal retreat where you engage in art and activities that bring you to a more sentimental place. Use a favorite movie, a hike, or a phone call with an old friend to bring you back into close contact with yourself.