
I had a dream about my teeth falling out. Me being the person that I am, I know that that’s a super symbolic dream and I got really nervous and eventually looked it up. One of my friends said that it meant that someone I know is gonna die, which REALLY freaked me out. Another person said that it could signal new beginnings. Something I read simply said I probably need to go to the dentist. Even though my mind assumed the extreme worst, I tried to force myself to believe that I did just need to go to the dentist. After all, my wisdom teeth have been growing in badly and my bottom teeth are super crowded now, that also really scares me, by the way, because everyone thinks I have nice teeth and I don’t want to end up getting braces to fix the fact that my bottom front tooth is disappearing behind the rest of the row.

Anyways, there I was trying to forget that someone I know could die by convincing myself my teeth are fucked up, and I haven’t even considered any new beginnings. It turns out that I was completely wrong, because the weirdest possible thing that could have happened happened. I’ve mentioned in other entries how much I hate my stepdad, like truly, truly hate him, so it’s really shocking to me now that we’re friends now.

I was up late cramming for the retake of my chemistry final the following day, and I’m no good at science so I wasn’t getting very far. My stepdad, however, is really good at chemistry, which is SO convenient isn’t it??? He ended up staying up and teaching me how to balance equations, and it helped so much that I got an 100 percent on my makeup exam. Isn’t that cool??? And now me and him and my sister are planning what to do for my mom for her birthday.

I think this experience was important for me, because I really need to learn to be more optimistic. I automatically assumed the worst from my dream, yet I ended up having one of the best possible outcomes. I just don’t like getting my hopes up for things and then being disappointed. But being disappointed isn’t the worst thing in the world—especially if you’re optimistic. ♦