
When I was in seventh grade it felt like my entire middle school was against me. I know that sounds dramatic, and maybe it is, but that’s truly how I felt at age 12. I didn’t really have friends. I had people who would tolerate me being around them for lunchtime maybe once a week, but most of the time I was alone. I wouldn’t have minded my own company if people would have just left me alone.

I was an easy an easy target for the “the room is too quiet, let’s all gang up on someone until they cry” moments. Someone once suggested that I try hanging out with boys instead. Let’s just say they weren’t too keen on me being around.

Without fail there would always be someone there to rip up my work right before it was supposed to be turned in. If I was ever feeling good about myself there would always be someone to tell me how gross I was.

I eventually transferred to a different middle school and was more than relieved to get a fresh start. I had a lot of adventures and tribulations there too but I did feel like I belonged.

I love life and myself, and I’m so glad that I let those experiences build me into a stronger person. ♦