
1443741723virgo1-140x141Sabrina’s horoscope: Mercury in Taurus and your house of wisdom all month (and retrograde most of the month) creates accelerated awareness around your truth and the ways you lie to yourself. The simplest of realizations could set you free or launch you into a new phase. Think along the lines of Erykah Badu’s: “If your knowledge were your wealth then it would be well-earned.” The exaltation of Taurus comes in self-love, and if you can expand your understanding of self-love—unconditional self-love, perhaps—you will open up a bountiful space from which to create and realize your dreams, without getting in your own way. At the full moon, watch for insights about the masks you wear. If you have achieved some level of outward success, but feel like your interior world has diminished in the process or just been way too hidden away, consider it a Universe School lesson and time for an upgrade. What wisdom does your actual inner-self have that can inform your exterior? What if you are what you’ve been seeking?

Dylan’s advice: Have you overworked yourself at school to the point that you don’t even know who you are anymore? Have you been trying so hard to posit yourself as the Ideal Candidate for a college or internship that you felt like you’ve been playing a part that is now exhausting? Do you feel tired from being on all of the time, and need a break to connect with yourself? Then say hello to some therapy vibes this month. If you can let it all come to the surface when it needs to—your epiphanies, tough realizations, and life vision revisions—the easier it is for those things that come up to float away. Virgos can be a very driven species, so much so that your inner and outer worlds can feel out of sync sometimes, one propelling fast while the other stays stagnant. Do what work it takes to get them aligned. For some people, that’s hitting up that one friend, or sibling, or aunt, who you can open up to and talk things through with, even without knowing where your talking will lead you. For others, it’s seeing a specialist—a therapist, school counselor, massage therapist, or acupuncturist. You’ll get through this with a stronger sense of self than before, as long as you honor what is happening and not try to hit “skip” or “next” on the boombox of your life—even if you’re on that one track that isn’t your fave. The bangers are coming soon!