
libra1Corina’s horoscope: Brace yourself for a lot of sudden swerves in your relationships as the upheaval of this month happens in your seventh house of intimacy and partnership. Let the new impulses and information coming in help you get a better sense of what you want, and what you deserve. If someone’s acting selfish, it’s not your job to compensate by being more selfless. With Mars moving retrograde in your third house on the 17th, you might want to spend more time choosing your words carefully before sending that text or writing that paper. What are you really trying to say, and why? The Grand Trine in Earth on the 14th helps you give form to your feelings: Channel your frustrations or desires into a tangible project. And on the 22nd, the full moon in Scorpio might raise some insecurities about your value as human: Use that time of self-scrutiny to love yourself more.


Dylan’s advice: Libra pals, don’t sweat all the switchbacks this month. What these cosmic events call for in April is for a bit of emotional organization. Corina’s question of, “What are you really trying to say, and why?” can apply to lots of things here—your projects, homework, relationships, it all boils down to how you communicate and from which place those words come from. You could take on a specific journaling project this month that answers the question above. What messages are you putting out into the world lately? Are you (perhaps subconsciously) putting out signals that you’re easy to push over, therefore letting some people take advantage of you? Are you realizing that you’ve been extra snappy or tense lately, and it’s coming across a little too clear? Are you simply saying yes to things you’d rather say no to? The next step question of “why” is some deep therapy, but the month calls for it, and will help you find a path out of your frustration. Take on the question of why you’re letting certain emotions or habits get the best of you, and take stock of your feelings before they become reactions.