
gemini1Corina’s horoscope: This month is all about revitalizing your friendships and your ideals. The new moon, sun-Uranus conjunction, and Venus-Uranus conjunction all happen in your 11th house of social groups, activism, and idealism. You may feel the urge to join a new crowd, start a new project, or re-invest your full heart into an activity you’ve been feeling half-hearted about. The Grand Earth Trine will happen in your 12th, fourth, and eighth houses helping your feel more stable and confident about emotionally charged areas in your life, especially having to do with your home and family. As your ruling planet of Mercury is a little slowed down in the sign of Taurus this month, you can use that energy to be more thorough and patient with anything you’re planning. Expect some buried feelings to come up around the full moon on the 22nd, and make use of Mars retrograde in your seventh house to review anything in your intimate relationships that may be keeping you from feeling energized and strong.


Dylan’s advice: The overall theme for your month, Gemini, is to use this sense of incoming stability to hatch new schemes this spring! Envision yourself like a little budded bulb, drinking up the April showers, feeling fully rooted and ready to shoot little spears of life out into the air. Since there’s all that activity in your 11th house, and primary season is in full swing, it’s awfully easy to draw the conclusion that perhaps you’re feeling more energetic about sticking your neck out into the presidential election, if you’re a U.S. reader. The key here would be to engage your community of friends and classmates in conversations, and empower them to research facts before feelings get in the way. Be the advocate for your friend group, and make sure every eligible voter is caught up on registration deadlines and give them resources to find answers to their questions. It doesn’t all have to be politics, even though it’s the convo du jour! Your activist energies this month will choose your social universe as its vessel, so see what you do to equip your friends to join you on your world-improving quests! Sign up as a group for a spring volunteer project, or start a Tumblr or Facebook group where your friend group can write and repost empowering messages for each other, or kick-start an activist club at school.