Collage by Lauren Tepfer.

Collage by Lauren Tepfer.

Art Hoe Collective

The Art Hoe Collective is “an inclusive space for disabled, POC, non-binary, LGBT and other underrepresented communities.” I talked to Sandra, Art Hoe’s writing and poetry curator, and Patricia, an Art Hoe contributor.

LAUREN TEPFER: What made you want to create the Art Hoe Collective?

SANDRA: The motive behind the creation of Art Hoe Collective was to give POC a platform to showcase their artwork. This is a space for POC and other marginalized individuals to express their artistic freedom without restriction. What we do isn’t much different from some other similar platforms but because there’s such a lack POC representation (especially LGBTIA POC representation) in the art world that having multiple platforms and options to have your work published is amazing in and of itself!

Why is Art Hoe Collective important to you?

PATRICIA: Having something like the Art Hoe Collective around is important. I am in my final semester at Parsons [in New York], and there is an incredibly low ratio of artists of color who attend the institution. Art Hoe and the creation of the collective brings forth a space that allows for artist like myself who are in similar conversations to be aware of what more of us are thinking, and as artists responding to current situations.

Why is it so important for you to specifically showcase young POC, queer POC, WOC, non-binary POC, trans POC, LGBT+, and sex worker artists?

SANDRA: There’s such a lack of representation for these groups, and it isn’t like they aren’t making art. If anything, these groups are some of the most creative types of people, but they’re not given the opportunity to have their work put out there! They don’t have much of a voice, and it’s important that they do because every human being should have the right to express themselves and be heard.