
aries1Janelle’s horoscope: Little ram, this may be an emotional year for you. Your ruling planet Mars has been in Scorpio since January and he’ll stay there until August of this year. Take a breath. You’re being asked to slow down a little bit and FEEL your gut before taking action. Mars in Scorpio runs less on impulse and more on intuition, so listen to your spidey senses for the next few months. You may be drawn to delve into mysterious topics like tarot, astrology, or life after death, this would be within reason with Mars activating your eighth house of death and transformation. Go for it, see what your investigations bring up!

For the first half of the month you’ll be thinking about your reputation, and how others see you compared with how you see yourself. Sometimes it feels like they don’t match up. This question will take quite some time to answer, Aries, as you’re going through a long transformation. The person you’re becoming is in the making. If it feels sort of like you’re going through several cocoon cycles, embrace it.

The new moon on February 8 will bring fresh new energy to your wishes and goals for 2016. Perhaps write down some intentions for what you’d like to get done this year. Mars will be sending over plenty of intuitive insights regarding how you can make it happen. By the 16th of the month, your mind and desires will be fully focused on making some of your wishes come true. Socialize with friends who share similar goals to yours; they’ll help you to achieve them.

The full moon on the 22nd will highlight ways that you can expand your daily routines: Maybe it’s time for way of scheduling your life that fills you with energy. Be attentive to your health for the rest of the month, and into March. Getting plenty of rest will definitely be the move.


Dylan’s advice: Sometimes “listening to yourself” or “paying attention to your intuition” is a little easier said than done. In a topsy-turvy time, it’s all the more important to do so, but all the extra noise makes it even harder. It’s an emotional catch-22! That’s why we can use tools—even the corniest, goofiest, and most toy-like of tools—to tap into these things. Ouija boards are technically used to communicate with the dead, but I also find them useful for asking yourself deep questions. More often than that, I turn to my Magic 8-Ball! When there’s a quandary about how I feel about something, I’ll pick it up and ask it the first yes-or-no question that comes to my head, and I’ll go from there. It’s not that the Magic 8-Ball gives me the answers. It’s that it gets me to ask a chain of questions, to challenge the answers, and arrive at a point where my feelings have more clarity. So go get your Magic-8 Ball, and start using it!