
aquarius1Louise’s tarotscope: I want to talk about drama, which is a popular thing amongst many of us! Perhaps it’s something we experience at school in the form of gossip, unkindness, whirlwinds of talk, and that specific fear of being talked about. I have a rule that drama doesn’t exist unless you participate in it. Say there are a few people revving it up, if you don’t join them, they’re just having a tantrum on their own. Once we start stepping in things can get blown up.

I want you to think of your super-power as your amazing ideas and ability to be the one who stands out on their own and doesn’t feel like that have to fit in with the crowd. Bring this into your January if you’re a bit worried about what people think of you, which everyone feels at some time. Your job in life isn’t to please other people. It’s just to be you. We always have the chance to step back and choose the kinds of conversations w have. You get to be that wonderful energy who is able to say, “I don’t really want to talk badly about them over there, because it doesn’t make me feel good, and I don’t really care what anyone else thinks about me.” Stepping back from a conversation you don’t want to be part of, even just slinking away, enables us to feel clearer about the tone of conversation we’re having. Sometimes, of course, we all have moments where we’re in a gossipy mood, but changing that is your power this month.

On that note, step out of a place where you’ve felt downtrodden, or overly concerned about what people may think. Comparing yourself to someone else, or thinking they’re better than you, is like driving along in your car and then stopping, and getting out on the side of the road to go look in someone else’s window. Then, you look back at your car and wonder why it isn’t going anywhere. Often, we feel nothing exciting is happening for us or we’re stuck is because we’re focusing on what others are doing, and our own life is saying, “Uh, honk honk! Here I am! Come and join me!” If in doubt, always come back to yourself and ask what’s going to help you right now. Know that you’re perfectly designed to be you. Allow yourself to be you, step back from conversations that don’t make you feel good, and don’t being afraid of not being part of a gossiping group. We never have to insult anyone else to make our own point. We can leave it there. That will help you feel a bit more in your own skin and gain more personal confidence.


Dylan’s advice: Have you heard of the amulet called a nazar? You might have seen it around, a ubiquitous souvenir from Eastern European travel, as it’s such a persistent symbol of protection across several cultures and eras. I’ve never been to Europe, but I see these everywhere. It’s so useful for this energy as a charm to channel this year. As objects, they’re quite beautiful, cast in a glossy glass of blue and white. You could go buy one on the internet, sure, but it’s less about purchasing an ornament, and it’s more about reminding yourself to brush off negative talk and energy, and to remove yourself from using that language toward others. If you’re feeling artistic, make your own out of ovenbake clay from the craft store. Print out an image of one and paste it to your journal. Find one to keep in your wallet for constant protection. Or just grab a couple of markers and sketch a few images of the nazar as a way to meditate on how you will remove yourself from any cycles of gossip this year. Whatever way you choose to represent this image, use it as a reminder that in January, you vowed to protect yourself from the damage of gossip, and the harm of engaging in it.