
libra1.jpgMars is in your sign this entire month. Yours is the sign of the peacekeeper, the one who creates balance and harmony, whereas Mars is the planet of action, disturbance, and energy. It can lend you a charge for sure, so you might be feeling extra energized or able to take on more. It can also create some conflict in your life—you might feel yourself separating from friendships, or wanting to assert yourself more, to be seen and taken seriously. Those feelings can cause disruption in your social life, and even at school. You have a bit of a rebellious kick to you this month, and that can be really healthy and helpful, if not always peaceful. Push at your boundary to see what challenges you’re up for, and what you can do with this energy. It might be a little contentious, but it that be exciting.

Someone you’re close to might be up for a change, whether that’s in the form of renewal, revision, or reshaping. It’s important to acknowledge the changes your relationships are going through, and to have conversations about them that help both you and those involved. Change isn’t bad!

The new moon on the 11th happens in your 3rd house of communication, so there could be a website concept, an educational path, a writing project that would best be initiated then, as Saturn comes into the 3rd house, making our ideas real and bringing them into concrete form. There might be a piece of information you need to get down on paper: that’s important. If nothing like that is happening in your life, this new moon could be a great time to utilize the written word to shape your life. Spend a little time writing on the new moon about what you’re hoping to create in the next 12 months. Know that if anything is delayed, it’s likely down to having Saturn.

On the 19th, the focus is on your 4th house of family and home, your basic foundations. There could be some core issue that you get to the root of. If you’re working through any past trauma, this time can illuminate ways for healing, or spark deep conversations with family members. The great news is that once we strip down a core issue and understand it, we have powert, so don’t be afraid of conversations that might be challenging. Ultimately, they’ll help you to explore your own foundation more profoundly.

The full moon on the 25th occurs on your 10th house of reputation, career, and honors. You’re having a really public full moon. It’s Christmas Day, when some of the world shuts down, so if there’s something you can do that will set up a career situation in the weeks before the new moon, go for it. Otherwise, this should be a day when you feel seen or validated by friends, family, or who you’re with. Notice how that occurs for you. Your efforts are showing up in the spotlight, which can help with those core issues I mentioned before. Mars traveling through your 1st house can help you stand up for yourself with courage.


Dylan’s advice: All of this communication energy headed your way has to flow through somewhere. Pick up a blank journal and follow Emma Dajka’s suggestions on how to get started keeping one. You’re gonna feel sharp as a tack…but that could also mean that you’re feeling kind of pointy this month with the rebellious aspect of this astrology. Putting your rapid-fire thoughts down before you encounter other humans can help you assess and communicate to the fullest this month.