I often wake up without smelling the roses. Model: @dumbirl on Instagram.

I often wake up without smelling the roses. Model: @dumbirl on Instagram.


It’s odd because 17 is so much bigger than 16. I can’t think of an age transition I’ve experienced as drastic as this one. 6 to 7 was a stepping stone. 12 to 13 allowed me to relate to a new demographic. But 16 to 17? 16 sounds like schoolgirl crushes, and bubblegum, and begging my mom to let me go to a concert with friends. Read More »


The thing about this particular kind of recovery is that you don’t really have much of a choice. Sure, my doctor tells me all the don’t-try-this-at-home stories as she wraps up my ankle in cotton gauze and surgical tape, but short of taking a saw to the fiberglass construction on my leg—don’t try that at home, please—I’ve just had to wait it out. Read More »