
It’s unfortunate that at this time, my love for Simon & Garfunkel will put me at risk of being labeled “hipster,” “tumblr,” or just a straight-up “wannabe.” I have never even owned a Tumblr, and my first experience with my beloveds was in seventh grade English.

One of my two majestical English teachers that year, Mrs. Charles, handed out copies of lyrics to the song “I Am a Rock.” Even though it wasn’t love at first listen, I remember having a magical feeling about the lyrics, and the upbeat tune that rebelliously contradicted them. It was a subtle sassiness that I was surprised existed in older music.

Flash forward three years, and I have found a used copy of the album Sounds of Silence on vinyl at the record shop. It’s the first one I played on my new Crosley (#hipster #tumblr #STFU) and it’s the last one I have listened to as of this morning. It’s extremely versatile:

In the middle of a painting: “Kathy’s Song.”

Cleaning my room: “We’ve Got a Groovy Thing Goin’.”

Parents getting mad: “The Sounds of Silence.”

Lying on the floor: “A Most Peculiar Man.”

People being people: “I Am a Rock.”

Contemplating life and time and consequently making myself borderline depressed: “April Come She Will.”

So call me whatever you fancy, because I have my books and my Sounds of Silence to protect me. ♦