
Amelia’s horoscope: Your keyword for the new moon is intuition. Lady Luna is in your twelfth house of spirituality, so you’re being called to listen to your heart when it comes to all things mystical.

Dylan’s advice: Guard your dreams and visions over the next six months to a year, Pisces. Having an inner life, just like having a cute house, takes attention. And organization. And even some decoration! Treat your inner life (by that I mean your connection to your soul, whether that comes through in religion, spirituality, me-time, or a creative practice) like it is a new house you’re moving into, and make some moves. Give it a physical home, like a shoebox under your bed or a private journal. Dedicate time to it, like you would to clean your house on specific Sunday afternoons. And make it fun and pretty by making altars or precious spaces for your inner life to live. ♦