
virgo1Amelia’s horoscope: Your keyword for the new moon is ancestry. Lady Luna is in your ninth house of beliefs, so you’re being called to dig deep into your personal roots and see what turns up. How have your findings influenced past events in your life, and how do they continue to do so now? Reveal and heal.

Dylan’s advice: We sometimes consult the most obscure sources of information for bits of truth, straining to find underlying meaning. In reality, clarity more often comes from holding a mirror to our lives, rather than gazing into a crystal ball. The past dictates a lot of what is important to us. It guides our reasonings and rationalizations about the who, what, when, how, and why things are. As you’re out there this new moon—and I do really mean out there, searching for meaning about the direction of your life and whether or not it feels important or worthy—look at ways the past may be creating patterns of thought. Examine the pieces of your history. Bring the good ones forward as you embark on your next big transformation, and leave the petty ones behind.