
aquarius1Amelia’s horoscope: Your keyword for the new moon is safety. Lady Luna is in your fourth house of nourishment, so you’re being called to do whatever it takes for you to feel secure. Get down with the bottom part of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and make sure all that stuff is being met. It’ll help you breathe a big sigh of relief.

Dylan’s advice: As an air sign, you can use the new moon in Taurus, an earth sign, to anchor yourself to foundations. Your family dynamics, your emotional well-being, your access to privacy and time to connect with yourself all come into play. With Taurus at the helm of the new moon, signs point to initiating comfort where you have felt out of balance, especially in relation to your roots. So what can you do to ground yourself? Not just today, but as a strategy for whenever life gives you #airsignproblemz? It may be as simple as eat/nap/hydrate any time you feel like you’re losing contact with us earthlings. You could also try to put some issues aside with your folks or siblings in the spirit of improving congeniality at home. Develop a plan to help bring yourself back down to earth when you need to.