just because I got attitude
it don’t mean I’m mad at you
It ain’t all about you,
and we don’t all need to take a walk in your shoes
you strut and you prance
you think you’re doing it with grace and a proper stance
I’ll tell ya thru and thru
no matter the mess you’ve been thru
I ain’t got attitude with you

I got attitude with the world
because it lowers my voice when I want it heard
because your glance at me makes me wanna speak
but it makes me feel weak
so I try n turn a leaf
I turn my face, in to something you won’t embrace
something that will make you shift your place
please oh please what is this craze

this not being able to walk down the street
without you saying hey chica I wanna bite to eat
mm you yummy, very charming
dude I’m wearing this tank top cuz it’s fucking balming

no longer thoughts on how to respond
I just sigh and give you the finger
the one that you know so very fond
I just want to make you feel
how I feel, how you make me wanna kill
how you kill me,
how you turn the sky from magic blue teal
to dark black steel

so maybe I have attitude with you
for what you make me go through
I’m so sorry society fucked you up big time
but I’m the one who get stuck with the shit
everyday you make me throw a fucking fit

I’m fed up
I’m a hungry girl
but this anger makes me hurl

—Néa E., 21, Paris