
virgo1Amelia’s horoscope: Your keyword for the new moon is currency. Lady Luna is in your second house of value, and with Jupiter close by, this moon is encouraging you to size up how you can make the most of your talents and creations. Reframe your mindset and carve out a unique spot for yourself in the world marketplace. Nobody else can do what you do.

Dylan’s advice: The second house is the zone in which we reflect upon and manifest our methods of balling, and it really begs of us the philosophical question, “Ball is life, but what am I?” Or, as I believe Shakespeare once said, “To ball or not to ball: That is the question this horoscope is getting me to examine.” When you think of abundance, what do you want to roll in, like a dog who found a delicious smelly spot, or a cackling millionaire villain who likes to squirm around in a pile of Benjamins? It would be cool if we all had enough money to turn into a personal ball pit, but money isn’t the only thing synonymous with value. Value is about your psychic income, what you welcome into your zone, what you desire a wealth of and what you treasure most deeply. Some of your own answers to this reflection might be tied to money, and the securities and freedom it brings. It might be more personal, in prizing your talents, or your spirituality, or your personal space. Your new moon assignment is to pick which area of wealth you want to expand, ASAP. Just like John F. Kennedy once said, “Ask not what balling can ball for you, but what balling can do for life.”