
aries1Amelia’s horoscope: Your keyword for the new moon is champion. Lady Luna is in your sixth house of physical strength, so you’re being called to test your stamina like never before. Make Simone Biles your inspiration for this month (if she’s not already!) and just imagine—one day, you, too, can get a hug from Beyoncé.

Dylan’s advice: Part of this new moon’s theme is about the ol’ P’n’P—perseverance and pluck—and how it can deliver you to stellar heights. There’s no dodging the challenges in front of you, but that won’t shut bombastic, brave Aries down. Your head-first energy will make what rewards lie at the end of this new moon cycle all the more satisfyingly won—in a wipe-your-sweaty-brow way. As a visual (or a physical?) think: That running-up-the-stairs scene in the most famous, inspirational athletic film of the 20th century, Rocky, which I have never seen. The jumpy, high-impact incline will make you pant and sweat, but it will also build up your muscle and stamina. If what I am guessing happens at the end of the movie (some sort of inspirational victory for the main character) actually happens, you will come out a winner. So, my concrete advice is to get a sick track suit, because you’ll need some champion gear for sure. And also work hard. But first…track suit.