As soon as I read this Creative Prompt, 6 INCH by Beyoncé started playing in my head and that was that.

Six-inch heels, she walked in the club like nobody’s business. Carmine, like the color of blood, in case she steps in any on her way out. She turns heads, but they quickly turn back, careful not to make eye contact. She relishes the power, choosing to revel in the fear her lifestyle inspires instead of the loneliness. She gives the room a quick once over, but it’s just for show—she already knows who her next victim is going to be. She’s been stalking her prey for a week now. She slinks away into a private room she knows to be occupied. The club’s attendants pretend they don’t hear the screams. A round of stiff drinks for everybody is on the house tonight.

—By Charlie H., 19, San Diego