
aquarius1Corina’s horoscope: This month begins with a whirl of activity and chatter for you, as the Aries New Moon and the sun-Uranus conjunction stir up your mental world in your third house. Welcome new ideas, new friends, and cut back on the caffeine because Uranus can rev you up plenty. As the Grand Earth Trine happens in your water houses (fourth, eighth, and 12th), it may be easier for you to integrate your emotions and release anything you’ve been holding in too long—especially if you can release it physically, through sports or dance or even crying and punching a pillow. As Mars turns retrograde in your 11th house on the 17th, let yourself reassess the social groups you’re part of. Are you getting what you need from these groups? Are there power dynamics that need to shift? The Scorpio full moon in the 22nd happens in your 10th house, spotlighting what you’ve achieved (and what you haven’t). As with all full moons, notice the feelings that come up and beware of distortions. When in doubt, don’t process till a day or two later.


Dylan’s advice: You’re gonna go on some nice long walks this month, Aquarius, I can just feel it. Burn off some of that energy through your feet and give yourself some space to think. The emotional processing power of a good ol’ shuffle of the feets is not to be underestimated! Pop in your headphones on the next sunny Sunday you get and use your walks to evaluate your current friendships and your brand-new ones. Like any decent revelation, your reflections need a little bit of space to unravel. See what feelings naturally come up, be it restlessness, tension, confusion—or maybe everything is just fine! If that’s the case, try to reflect on what your impact is on your friends, and if you are being thoughtful and compassionate to them, as they are to you. Relationships need a check-in every so often, so go on some pretty spring walks and carve out some time for checking in with yourself while you check out from the house for a little bit.