A Night to Remember

I always wanted to have a little desk in my room but I never had the time. Also, it’s a bit difficult because my room is very small; almost the size of a little cube. I have a huge dresser on one side with a big mirror that’s connected to it on a wall, a dresser that’s next to my bed; my bed is on the right side of the wall where the window is and my closet is right in front of my bed. My closet is built inside the walls and have wooden doors that look like blinds. Inside my closet there’s piles of books, papers from when I was in first grade, and a couple of baby pictures. It takes up so much space to the point where at times the doors of my closet will burst open and an avalanche of papers and pictures explode out from my small closet.

Since it’s a new year and I want to be part of the whole “new year, new me” kind of phase, out of boredom and high off of caffeine, I decided to clean and redecorate my room at freaking three in the morning. First, I decided to organize my drawers and fold all of my clothes because that was just a huge mess in there. After about like thirty minutes, I got my pile of dirty clothes and went to my dark, cold, and creepy basement to clean them but before I could even walk at least halfway down the stairs, my paranoia kicked in and I just ran up the stairs,closed and locked the door and ran all the way back to my room and decided to save that for later on in the morning.

After that, I just remembered about my closet and I opened the door and most of the papers fell out again. I just sighed and looked through the pile and as I was organizing, I was mostly using this awesome machine that shreds paper when you put it in a slot. After about ten thousand papers later, the machine gave in and eventually jammed and so I had to just rip it or crumble it and put in a bag. When I was finally done with the papers I didn’t need, I went down to memory lane, laughing through all of my family pictures that I had in my closet. When I was done arranging all the pictures, I had to figure out what I would do with all of these books. I had old history textbooks from school that my sister never returned, mystery books, romance books, picture books, books that my brother gave me but was never interested to read them. So I just sat in my closet, wondering how I’m going to get rid of my books and heard screaming from behind me. I jumped and hit my head at the top of the closet, I felt my head and saw that I was bleeding a bit. I looked at the closet and saw that there was light peeking through the cracks of the wall in the closet and I was a bit creeped out, but mostly curious.

Slowly, I got closer and I grabbed the corner of the back of the closet and pulled it. Eventually I had enough strength to break the wall and the light illuminated the whole room and burned my eyes. It was so strong that I had to cover my eyes and accidentally fell into the light. I landed on something cold, but it felt like a floor and again I heard a scream. However, it wasn’t a horrific scream, it was a cheerful scream,I opened my eyes and saw that it was a crowd full of people screaming my name. One of the stage crew came up to me and helped me up and gave me a microphone. There was a big screen and it showed myself on the stage but in freaking HD. Also, the crazy part was that I wasn’t my pajamas anymore, I was wearing this silk, pastel colored dress that showed my shoulders and my hair wasn’t frizzy mess, it was curled and voluminous and tainted with a rose gold color. I eventually began singing and the people were roaring, jumping with energy, and starting riots. People were crowd surfing, swinging side to side from cables like Tarzan, going on the stage and dancing, and starting mosh pits. The place was so electric, full of energy and very welcoming; it was just simply amazing. I didn’t even want to go back home but eventually, after the concert was finished, I heard a very loud chime that almost popped my eardrums and the sky sucked me away from the stage. The brightness came back strong again and I had to cover my eyes and when I felt that it was safe to open my eyes again, I saw that I was on my bed. The sun was out and I checked the time on the phone and saw that it was eight-thirty. Finally, I walked up to the closet and I opened it and saw that the wood was attached to the wall again. As I was looking at my small, boring, normal closet, all I could do was smile because it was really a crazy night to remember.

—By Rosiel M., 16, New Jersey