
leo1Are you working out a communication issue? Perhaps with siblings or relatives? If so, it’s important for you to consider how to be clear-minded, to say your piece, and to speak up for yourself. This month might be the one when you’re able to make your point or where there’s a extra energy in your day. You may notice an influx of little things to do. State your needs conscientiously, and let others know what you need to get through the holiday season.

The new moon occurs in your 5th house. Leo is in an important transit right now, as regards being manifesting creative aspirations—Saturn is in your 5th house. Love relationships might get more serious at this point, but beyond romance, this moment is about seeing what kind of creative projects you want to bring into form. This heralds a two-year period when you can get a lot accomplished, so I encourage Leo to use the December 11 new moon to consider what kind of creative babies you’re wanting to birth. You can always tweak and shift, but it’s a great moon to commit to a course of action as it pertains to your creative endeavors.

A little situation might occur that third week of December around the 19th. You might be challenged by a teacher, classmate, or coworker or have some hard discussions at school or your job. Be prepared to ask for what you want, to be clear and fair, but refuse to be dramatic.

The full moon on the 25th is in your 12th house, which is a really nice time for you to do very low-key things. Your 12th house hosts taking time off or being able to disconnect from the day-to-day stuff. I encourage you to have some time off during this part of the holiday season. You don’t have to go to every party or please everybody, since you can’t! Consider your own needs and doing things that might be smaller than what you’re used to.


Dylan’s advice: Use the new moon as an initiation—a first step—toward your creative goals. Choose a the right scale for your ambitions, because new moons set off two-year windows, so whatever the project, ambition, or vision, could be a big deal in your creative life. Since it’s likely to be something you could see yourself thriving on for the next couple years, don’t think you have to go all out on it that ONE DAY and get a ton of it done. Use the day, rather, to set a tone, to set an intention. This could look like: registering the domain name for a website; starting an application for a program or internship; starting some rough sketches; or even on an internal level, getting into some sort of creative guidance such as reading The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, which can help you set up the best habits for your art.