
I’ve spent the past few weeks trying to keep up with my sports and academics commitments—endless fitness classes and steadily growing mountains of homework. I’ve pounded out miles on the track at school, swearing under my breath at the dull pain of each step. I’ve stayed up later than I should finishing assignments and essays. None of these problems is unique to me—any high school athlete is going through the same thing. But knowing that doesn’t make it any easier. I’m starting to crumble under all the stress.

Everything else got put on hold for my soccer club’s games today. We lost the first one but won the second by a landslide, and I haven’t felt this confident since playing for my high school team last spring. My speed, my movement on the field, my footwork on the ball—everything felt so natural again! I’m playing a new position—center back—and while it’s still not my favorite, I’m coming to accept that, on this team at least, it’s where I belong.

I still have a mountain of homework to do tonight, but the high from that second game is making me feel like I can handle anything. ♦