April 20/21
2:12 AM
KEIRA (19), HAILEY (19), DESTINY (18), and JAHMANE (20)

We asked this group, all students at Marymount Manhattan, to choose one person to be the subject of the questions. Everyone immediately pointed at Hailey (even Hailey).

ANAHEED Were you guys somewhere before this?

DESTINY Yeah, we were at a…where were we?

KEIRA We were in Brooklyn.

DESTINY At a concert. We were at a concert.

ANAHEED What concert?

KEIRA I don’t even know.

DESTINY It was for this band that we go to a lot. They’re called the End Men. They’re really cool. It was just like really, really cool. It was cheap.

LOLA Is there something special about the show?

DESTINY It was like a 420 show.

LOLA How do you all know this band?

JAHMANE We just randomly went to a show once and they were there.

DESTINY And we got really cool with them, so we go all the time now.

Question 1

LOLA Guys. What is Hailey known for?

JAHMANE Hmm. This is hard! I know her nickname…

ANAHEED OK, write that down too.

HAILEY Singing-slash-“Big Mama.”

WHAT JAHMANE WROTE Big Mama / Boldenss
Keira: 1 | Destiny: 1 | Jahmane: 1

ANAHEED Why are you called Big Mama?

HAILEY ’Cause I am Big Mama and I’m big hair people and I’m sassy.

ANAHEED These are all really good things to be known for.

KEIRA And she sings.

HAILEY I try to do musical theater, but we’ll see.

DESTINY I used to be in theater, but I don’t want to do it anymore.

ANAHEED How come?

DESTINY I don’t know. I used to love it, but then I felt like it became the only thing I was known for back home and in my family, so I just want to try something else. Something that really makes me happy. I’ll go back to it one day.

ANAHEED Do you guys sing karaoke together?

DESTINY We just did karaoke last night!

Question 2

ANAHEED What is Hailey’s karaoke song?

HAILEY “Everything’s Coming Up Roses”

WHAT KEIRA WROTE “Old Man River” / Firework”
WHAT DESTINY WROTE “Don’t Rain on My Parade”
WHAT JAHMANE WROTE “Everything’s Coming Up Roses”
Keira: 1 | Destiny: 1 | Jahmane: 2

Jahmane (left) and Destiny.

Jahmane (left) and Destiny.

Question 3

LOLA So, we all love celebrities. Who would you say is Hailey’s celebrity crush?

DESTINY If it was her celebrity spirit animal, I would know exactly who.

ANAHEED You can guess both.

HAILEY Audrey Hepburn is my spirit animal, but I would say James Franco is my celebrity crush.

WHAT KEIRA WROTE Audrey Hepburn / Adam Levine
WHAT DESTINY WROTE Honey Boo Boo / the guys from Les Miz
Keira: 2 | Destiny: 1 | Jahmane: 2

KEIRA I love this game! I’m not doing well, but I love it.

Keira (left) and Hailey.

Keira (left) and Hailey.

Question 4

ANAHEED What is Hailey’s grossest habit?

HAILEY I have a lot of gross habits. I think my grossest would be not showering for like a week. No shame.

WHAT KEIRA WROTE Doesn’t shower often / poop
Keira: 3 | Destiny: 1 | Jahmane: 2

HAILEY I don’t see anything wrong with pooping.

LOLA You stay pooping. Don’t feel bad about that!

DESTINY Yo, pooping is awesome.

HAILEY I take my computer in there with me.

KEIRA She does. She Facbook-messages me from the bathroom while she’s pooping. I get a lot of Snapchats that say “Sittin’ on the toilet.”

JAHMANE I get a lot of those as well.

ANAHEED Where do you put the computer, on your knees?

HAILEY Yeah, or on the counter next to me.

LOLA Big Mama, I can feel the love that you radiate towards others.

KEIRA She’s a really wonderful person.


Question 5

LOLA What is Big Mama’s life ambition?

ANAHEED And if she has a real one and one she tells people, we want the real one.

LOLA When her heart is bravest, what is that?

ANAHEED [To Lola] That was beautiful.

HAILEY To succeed in musical theater.

WHAT KEIRA WROTE Musical theater
WHAT DESTINY WROTE To marry a lumberjack
Keira: 4 | Destiny: 1 | Jahmane: 3

LOLA Nice job, everyone. You guys are great!


KEIRA I love this game!

ANAHEED [To Keira] We forgot to say: you won! You are the best friend!

[Clapping and cheering ensue]